

There's something to be said for focusing on the positive. Actually, metaphysicians and personal life coaches will tell you that focusing on the positive is everything. They'll tell you that and they'll tell you that your subconscious mind drives the reality around you. So if you're subconsciously, or consciously, focused on the negative, your subconscious mind will steer you right there.

Metaphysicians will also tell you that we create all, or most of the problems in our lives, just by this mis-thinking. Then they'll tell you that the Universe is programmed to give us exactly what our subconscious mind and our conscious thoughts and words request. So, if you repeat a negative thought over and over, even subconsciously, chances are you'll acquire it in the physical realm because you've manifested it. If you keep repeating a positive one, it works the same way.

When you start to see how this may be taking place in your life, it almost begs you to start watching your thoughts, even down to everyday little jokes.After all,why would we want to create the negative because we're merelythinking or talking it into being? Doesn't it make more sense to make some mental shifts and talk and think the positive into being? Personal coaches will tell you that the latter, plus the action to get there, will often get you to where you want to be.

Focusing on what you want, not what you don't

In some cases, it's the difference between focusing on what you do want and taking the action to get there, instead of focusing on what you don't want. Sometimes it takes some word twisting toget your thoughts into the right place once you become aware of your patterns of thought and realizethat they focus moreon the negative. But, hey, if we're not here on earth to learn and grow, what in the world are we here for?

In other cases, it seems hard to focus on the positive because we already see the negative manifestations in our lives. In these cases, it's best to use thoughts and words like, "I am manifesting abundance." Or, "I am intending vibrant health." Or on a global scale, "I am manifesting a peaceful world." Just insert whatever positive outcome you desire to come into being.

And while it's not a good idea to pretend that the bad isn't happening, it is a good idea to find the solutions to what you can do about a bad situation. Or just acknowledge that the bad is there and still focus on the positive.

When you understand that all we're seeing around us is a reflection of worldwide consciousness and what we've created and have allowed to be done to us, we start to see that elevating human consciousness is really our solution out of this mess. Because when millions of people around the world are radiating love energy at core level, we simply won't see all of the problems that we currently do. Most people currently radiate some level of fear.

Quite simply, when we are radiating love, we'll be manifesting a better reality just by being higher vibrational beings with higher vibrational thoughts and actions. Higher consciousness beings also wouldn't poison the society or the earth, as it's just contradictory in nature.

Grow up the facial hair quicly.

The basics what you need to get the nice facial hair is :
1 - Make sure you have some minerals and vitamins beneficial to have indicated hair growth in your diet. These include daily nutrients, are not limited to goal, the following: 15,000 IU vitamin A, and 50 mg each vitamins B3, 5, 6, and 12, 2 g vitamin C, 800 IU vitamin E, and 50 mg Biotin.
2 - Get adequate sleep. your body uses the time you are sleeping to repair, restore and refresh, and sleep will help your hair grow.
3 - Limit the Amount of stress in your life and learn how to handle the stressors that are present; stress can slow down hair growth and make your hair weak and brittle. Exercise, meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and stress-management classes are all recommended strategies for dealing with stress.
4 - Keep your face clean, moisturized and exfoliated to allow for good facial hair growth. Steam opens up pores for cleaning cutting easier and closer shaving. Exfoliating the dead skin cells Removes and keeps your pores and hair follicles clear. This will allow better hair growth and limit the impact of ingrown hairs. Moisturizer keeps your skin healthy, which allows for better hair growth. If your skin is dry and flaking, you will have more ingrown hairs, and your facial hair growth stunted will become.

Woman walking exercise.

Walking is the sport most exercise
Regular walking makes you look more freshness and smaller each case, the fragility of the bones of men between the corresponding 9 cases among women, women who walk less than 2 kilometers a day more prone to cardiovascular problems

Your heart first to suffer from inactivity and the first beneficiaries of regular walking
Regular walking for the health of the most important women of the organization of food
Women more than benefit from walking more than men
Walking makes you excellent in the case of psychological
Walking protects you from breast cancer and colon
Regular walking delay memory problems and dementia in women
Walk to walk electric achieve the same benefit

How to become a walking normally

Start simple 10-15 minutes a day
To be a fun walk and a desire
Comfortable shoes
No matter how busy walk a Knin
Make walking Sports Family
Half an hour 5 times a week is sufficient for
Integrating walking in your daily life

Stress and diet.

Stress can affect our behavior vis-à-vis food. But good nutrition is a powerful ally to cope with stress and fatigue.
Stress is a part of everyone's daily life. It can be caused by an unfortunate event (death, relationship breakdown ...), by distressing circumstances (examination, sickness, unemployment ...), or simply irritating or tiring (conflict, overwork, bottling ...) . Stress causes a state of tension that may seek to appease various ways, including food

The food That Relieves
In uncomfortable situations, often used to say oral activities, the child sucks his thumb, students will nail biting, chewing gum, chewing his pencil, or a cigarette ...

But stress can also eat more, encourage nibbling, cause cravings. Thus, after working in a noisy environment, most tested in a study increased their caloric intake by more than 30%. And it is not uncommon that after a bereavement, an academic failure or rupture sentimental, people grow to several pounds in a short time.

We find comfort in food. And this could be related to the fact that eating palatable foods in the body increases the production of substances such as opium, endorphins. These substances have calming effects comparable to morphine and can therefore fight mental stress or pain related to stress.

Could eat well, some people at least, lower or remove the state of anxiety. The organism learns that certain foods (especially sugar) reduce the unpleasant effects of stress, and it becomes somewhat dependent on food as a drug.

Conversely, some persons in the same stressful situations do not consume more food, they may even eat less. According to surveys of different groups, if 47% of men and 37% of women reported eating more as a result of stress, 40% of men and 58% of women reported eating less.

Why not all individuals have they not the same stress response? We do not know. But it is likely that the appetite or anorexia, observed in some states of stress (especially after a bereavement or separation) are part of a more complex set of disorders, depressive components are probably largely responsible this disinterest in food.

Get to Know
When you're an emotional eater, that is to say when you eat more under stress and the effect that tends to grow, we usually like the sweet taste, food texture rather crispy, and eat more out of boredom or when alone.

On the contrary, those that stress makes you lose weight, because they cut the appetite, would rather salty. Finally, there are also many subjects whose weight remains constant when stressed, but then complain of digestive problems (difficulties digesting, bloating, stomach pains ...).

In all cases, it is important to be aware of his way to eat, and possibly changes in the power mode. Reorganize its meal is often necessary, especially if you tend to eat on the go snacking or multiply during the day. Force themselves to sit at table for meals, try eating in a calm, chewing food well, choose dishes that we enjoy and take time to savor; of how people can give back to the food rightful place, while finding a better nutritional balance, which will help deal with stress more effectively.

A healthy diet
The body responds to stress by using nutrients more quickly. He needs more particularly B vitamins and magnesium to maintain optimal functioning of nerve cells. The former are present in abundance in yeast, germ of cereals, whole grains, cheeses (especially blue), pork, dried fruits. Magnesium can be supplied in large quantity by whole grains, green vegetables, legumes, nuts. Food regularly to provide menus in times of stress!

Lack of vitamin C, however small, can reduce the body's ability to respond well to abuse. Hence the importance of consuming at least a crude or fresh fruit at every meal, with a focus on tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, citrus fruits, strawberries, guava or kiwi fruit, rich in vitamin C.

For the energy input, we will prefer starchy foods such as wholemeal bread, rice, pasta or pulses, high in complex carbohydrates. They release regular flow of energy in the body and are preferable to high sugar foods, seeking further accentuate the pancreas and unnecessary changes in glucose and fatty acid levels in the blood.

Sex steroids .. The advantages and disadvantages

Men resort to sex steroids or natural medicines as most men, especially young people want to own the best capacity and sexual characteristics and become perfect pairs at all costs from the trouble and expense, and that even if they do not complain of any sexual problems.

And sex for them of the most important pillars of the pleasures of life, strengthen their sense of masculinity full of confidence and self-pleasure overwhelming, and that is what explains the obsession of men and dissatisfaction with the size of the penis and the quality of sexual performance and trying to compensate for this lack of an idle drugs, herbs and lotions non-medical means are not recognized and surgical procedures and others that over thousands of years

At the present time, while facilitating the sex steroids and their results excellent in the treatment of sexual dysfunction with some side effects were not serious embarked thousands of men, both young and adults, is infected with any sexual problems to deal with such stimulants to improve their energy Nationality Is it any benefit to those steroids in the absence of sexual dysfunction? Are there any risks and serious complications in the long term? Will recommend healthy men taking it and whether the means available to put an end to the misuse? Answer important questions require explicit process, especially with the lack of accurate medical information about it in the international media.

Contradictory results
The results of medical research on the use of stimulants without cause sexual especially by young people is infected with any sexual problems some of which are contradictory highlights the effectiveness of the firm, including what denies any substantive incentives for use in such cases.

These steroids do not increase sexual desire does not contribute directly to the achievement of an erection, but the effect is based on the continuation of erection steel result of inhibited enzyme Fosfodistirz category Phosphodiesterase 5 5, which inhibits the production of expanded arteries and sinuses cGMP within the objects cavernous in the penis, which helps to maintain an erection hard to complete the process sexual successfully.

In the event of a natural focus for the presence of this enlarged at some of the men is that the use of sexual stimulants helps to increase the quantity and improve sexual performance or that the effect is limited in such cases? In two tests Italians had their doctors, "Versa" and "Ruchira" to healthy men do not complain of any trouble nationality were treated equally Viagra grains false in a way the court and blind, results showed that those who were treated with Viagra (sildenafil) showed a marked improvement for increasing the number of Alantsabat night and the quality of erections and shorten the duration between successive Alantsabat.

But these two tests both involved some of the men who are over the age of forty, and who may be infected impotence especially that according to several global studies that the percentage of sexual problems up to about 40% in men who are over that age, which puts a question mark on the representation of the sample of men for young people that healthy people who use steroids and not to consider these results reflect the success in increasing sexual energy.

Better results
In the test of modern display at the annual conference of the American Association of Urology on 42 man is true does not complain of any sexual problems ranged in age from about --6,040 years were treated in a sequential drug Viagra 50 mg for a month or grains false showed results that the use of Viagra gave better results for to the hardness of erections, duration and shortening the time between Alantsabat successive and delayed ejaculation and quality of social life and self-esteem, but without affecting the result of the survey on the existence of symptoms of sexual dysfunction IIEF or sexual desire or the rate of sex steroids, it is obvious that stress again that the inclusion of this test some older men who are over the age of fifty, even if they were to be sexually healthy, apparently, many of whom may be infected with some lesions in the underlying vascular or neurological devices that may have been improved with the use of sexual stimulants, which calls into question the results of this test, which he should have included healthy men in the second or third decade of life to prove the results.

Safety is still unknown
As for the safety of such stimulants Although most of the international tests confirmed in terms of their impact on the cardiovascular system and lack of interdependence is rarely serious complications, especially if the patients were taking the drug "nitrates" on the types, which can cause a precipitous drop in blood pressure and sometimes death, but the repercussions in the long-term on several organs in the body is still unknown, as it has not been used for more than 4 to 9 years and they were associated with newly occurrence of some cases of blindness, hearing loss, prompting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration U.S. federal to force the manufacturers of such stimulants to add new warnings on labels for attached to these drugs indicates a potential for these complications.

Based on all these data and the lack of scientific evidence minute about the positive impact of such stimulants for energy and sexual performance in healthy young adults and because of the potential complications in the long run not recommend healthy men use in a recreational only if they are infected with some sexual disorders such as inability to achieve an erection hard and maintain long enough to complete sexual intercourse successfully or rapid ejaculation, or inability to have sex in a row within a few minutes or few hours, despite the attempt and if these symptoms responded to sexual stimulants.

Pending the results of a firm scientific about the positive impact of doping sexual sexual energy of youth and old men healthy we can not but doubt about their effectiveness and safety of long-term warning of the ill-used only in cases of impotence, and we must alert doctors and pharmacists about the spread of misuse by thousands men of healthy patients with the risks and disadvantages of this indiscriminate use, particularly that unfortunately can be any man that gets the steroids over the Internet or on the black market or even in pharmacies without a prescription, which may cause some of these men, some of the complications of severe and sometimes fatal if they are living with heart disease or serious vascular or if they are taking certain drugs such as nitrates, for example, which are not commensurate with the use of such stimulants.

Maintaining a healthy heart.

It is appropriate to add the heart to the proverb a healthy mind in a sound body to become the mind and heart in a sound body. Can keep the heart healthy and well if it managed to maintain a proper diet which is not in short and long run any risk to the arteries that supply the heart the basic components. You need to keep the heart healthy and at full capacity and capabilities to be able to work around the clock tirelessly to pump blood to all other areas of the body including the brain and the body of the heart itself.

Statistics show that took place in Britain that every two minutes from time, there are those who are exposed to a heart attack in the whole country, which is more than the amount of exposure of the French or the Italians or the Spaniards to this case. Also, other heart disease is the biggest cause of death in this country is enjoying continued good good health care and guidance. The number of patients who die because of angina of 140,000 people per year, one out of every four deaths among men and a woman among the five women.

Is there a way to minimize the dangers of heart disease?

The answer to these questions is yes and the way that might be accessible to nearly everyone. Is the basic guidance in this area in a slight change in the kind of food to be followed and something very simple style of life. Changing the quality of the oil do you use for cooking and focus on the use of a lot of olive oil and some garlic and so is not only important to ward off heart disease, as is the case in the peoples of the Mediterranean Sea. There is a manner of dealing with food, for example, where it's important as nutrition experts say that deliberately one of us to lunch "comfortable" Any step by step.

1 - Heart disease
Cause heart disease after the gathering masses of fat on the walls of blood vessels from the inside so to shorten the bloodstream. This consists of the blocks when the fatty substance from the interaction of amino acid called homocysteine ​​with cholesterol to accumulate on the arteries that feed the heart. Also increase the amount of homocysteine ​​may cause material damage to the material jacketed vessel walls, which will accelerate the formation of fat, which collects research showed that the increase in the amount of substance homocysteine ​​in women doubled rate of heart disease.

2 - Heart attack
A heart attack occurs when a blockage of the arteries that supply the heart.
Either angina or diphtheria are caused by chest pain due to lack of blood flow in the arteries after the pool of fatty substances. It usually occurs after the exercise of the noose type of sport or heavy exposure to the psychological pressures which require pumping larger quantities of oxygen to the heart to stay active as required.

3 - Heart failure
It is a situation where the heart is unable to continue his work properly and according to the body of oxygen needed to keep members fully recover and the performance of its duties as the best.

4 - Type of food and its effects
Dr Derek Ktng in his book "to stop a heart attack," It is the most important factors that could be used to protect against heart Ail is that the individual deals with at least five kernels of fruits and vegetables a day. Valfoake and vegetables rich in chemicals such as chemical element potassium is important for regulating heart rate and blood pressure control. Also, fruits and vegetables rich in anti-oxidant elements that prevent the formation of cholesterol blocks on the walls of blood vessels and arteries of the heart as it helps in getting rid of harmful chemical elements.
Says Professor Stephen Palmer, director of the Center to control the stress at City University in London that he can add anything from coffee, tea and some chocolate also adds "All of these materials rich in Alkatchinn drop of a hat of flavonoids are anti-oxidants help reduce cholesterol in the blood.

5 - Fish
The intake of fatty fish such as sardines and Alanchovez three times a week, of the factors that help a lot in maintaining the heart. Fatty fish also contains the Omega 3 fatty material, which helps Khvz proportion of cholesterol in the blood and called Turaagleserayd thus reducing the risk groups are fatty acids. As vegetarians, they can eat fat Alrabesid, nuts or soy oil that can benefit the formation of a body to omega-3.

6 - Carbohydrates
Factors other than intake of carbohydrates such as pasta, brown bread, rice, potatoes, and the reduction of fatty substances and eating qualities that do not affect the increase in the proportion of cholesterol in the body.

7 - Cholesterol
Cholesterol enters the bloodstream and is transported by proteins called type - for lipoprotein -. Type Allibobrotin non-Hameed, a type called low-density turns Allibobrotin chemical reaction called oxidative stress and is entry into the cells lining the walls of blood vessels to form small blocks that are causing the narrow stream and then locked for good. Allibobrotin either high-density cholesterol is HDL, the kind that Aenql cholesterol from the bloodstream and help protect against exposure to heart disease and hardening of the arteries.

8 - Fat
Saturated fats such as butter, cream, cheese, animal fat free oil, coconut oils and poorly raise the amount of cholesterol is HDL, which requires reducing them completely. You can use small amounts of unsaturated fats such as corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and fish oil where it works like this Alzion to reduce both types of cholesterol so it is best to use olive oil or walnut oil or avocado, which is based on reducing the amount of Allibobrotin and low density without affecting Allibobrotin at high density.

9 - Lifestyle and their effects on heart disease
As already noted, it is not only the quality of eating that way, but Taatnaoulih who used the food also have a significant impact on heart disease.
Professor Palmer said the research conducted indicated clearly that the people of the kind - a - people who are aggressive competitors has always been and who move frequently and speak and eat quickly be their chance of heart disease 40% more lethal than others. Couples of the kind - a - give up more than others for many of the hormones of stress hormones that help our ancestors had to defend themselves in their struggle with monsters refringens was not originally designed to adapt to the requirements of civilization from the stress of another kind myself. Professor Palmer says, "You can take things simply and realize that you arrive late is not always to the end of the world."
If it took the breath from your temper Vatalekayaa loud cry or something discreet.
It is important to develop the ability to express what beats in your chest, it is very useful for the heart. The Dr. Dean Orneshoho of the pioneers in the use of kind of food and exercise and style of life to return to normal condition of the heart with emotion in a healthy way through to talk about what Iatlj of sensations in your chest. Recent research has shown that this method of importance in the treatment of many diseases, not only of heart disease. If you want to avoid any clash of any kind, you can resort to something such as beating a pillow for example, or walking or jogging, one of the events that are often used to vent a crisis situation within the human psyche. He also advises Dr. Dean in his book "Love and Survival" that Tmaya to the participation of others in the chest with Iatlj participation of others as you feel benefit the heart and makes it more healthier. Also, self-care and pay attention to what your body needs from the comfort of your mind and have the biggest impact on keeping the heart healthy and well.

10 - Some good habits
Avoid some of the habits harmful to heart health, smoking is the most important of the reported statistics of the Ministry of Health said that 45,000 deaths a heart disease was caused by smoking. It is important to note that damage caused by addiction to smoking is possible to recover from the body over time after stopping smoking. Ten years after one of the reduced chance of heart disease for those who were smoking and become exactly the same as those who did not smoke at all.

11 - Exercise
Walking, swimming, sports events of the task that helps to reduce the chance of a heart disease. Can effectively exercise five times a week for a period of at least half an hour at a time. In the end, do not forget the psychological Valastrecha sporting events and pay attention to the extraneous self is important in maintaining heart health and sustainability of its activities.

Diet to reduce cholesterol.

Many of us have links between obesity, cholesterol, imagine that the presence of obesity necessarily mean incidence of cholesterol. We are also surprised when we see the Quorum of thin people, but he suffers from high cholesterol.

And obesity play a major role in the pathogenesis of cholesterol, as obesity increases the risk of cholesterol, but not always, as it depends on the insulin that is produced by the pancreas gland. And severity of obesity is that it often leads to deterioration of the efficiency of insulin, which means not dispose of fats in the blood and thereby increase the cholesterol in the blood. But if a person is obese and insulin works, there is no risk of developing high cholesterol, and such a lucky person. There are important factors in the emergence of cholesterol, namely: the genetic makeup of an individual. And the quality of the food they eat. For the genetic composition, constitutes the background that resolved it for the appearance of cholesterol. Genetic factor may be strong or weak depending on the number of genes inherited from parents or an individual one. As for the food, Valchollstrul the problem of everyone and every human being has to warn him, especially in these days, spreading foods high in fat For rights to be keen to avoid these foods, as well as food fatty attending in the house, and that cares about the introduction of vegetables and fruits and grains into meals daily and focus on fish and reduces the meat and if meat from animals let loose graceful because the less fat in meat. So finally not to forget the movement and sport. The excessive intake of foods containing saturated fats, which are commonly found in red meat, chicken skin and eggs, cheese, cream, means creating the appropriate environment for the emergence of cholesterol, and will be even worse not to practice kinesthetic activity helps to burn fat. On the other hand helps dietary fiber found in vegetables, fruits, grains preserved Bakchorha such as rice in reducing the risk of cholesterol Valaliav food helps a little to reduce the risk of cholesterol, but it is better to underestimate the intake of saturated fat, any fat on red meat, chicken, birds, and also found in cheese and milk full-fat. These foods are a source of cholesterol, we have to cut off the source of cholesterol.


Fish must focus on fish, three times a week at least because they contain fatty acids (omega 3), which helps prevent clogging of the arteries, and if there is no fresh fish always, can be used cans sardines, it is also rich in (omega 3), and contain on the nutritional value itself. Can eat chicken without the skin, and red meat without any fat, while maintaining the priority of the fish.

Vegetables and fruit

Must focus on fruits and vegetables and increase the quantity of daily meals, so as to increase the total amount of meat and pasta consumed in one day, and care must be taken on the existence of the authority or vegetables, boiled at every meal because they contain minerals required to burn the food and fiber important for absorption. It is advisable not to peel fruits and vegetables for vitamins and fiber.

Grain leguminous

You must enter a leguminous grain into the food daily, such as lentils, beans, bulgur wheat, corn, peas, beans, because they contain soluble fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol, note that the banana also contains these fibers.

Stay away from saturated fat

Introduction of potatoes to grilled meals and eat the crust if it is clean, being careful to eat brown rice and brown bread. Stay away from saturated fats that the body produces, including cholesterol, the fat found in whole milk, cheese, decent, butter, soups and decent, well advised to stay away from burgers, cakes, chocolate, white sauces that are put on pasta and steak Alospajta. It is advisable to stay away from Arab pastries and pies are made for being mixed with butter and perhaps more dangerous fats are hydrogenated fat, which is more dangerous than animal fats (saturated). Many types of biscuits and Alchrisb made of hydrogenated fats serious, you should stay away from them. Eggs contain cholesterol is ready, but it also contains minerals and important fatty acids should be eaten in moderation (no more than three eggs per week). Fresh garlic, capsules of fish oil, cod liver oil, fruit and grapefruit, natural foods reduce cholesterol.


A lot of vegetables, fruits, fish and legumes at the expense of fat-rich meat, pasta, pastries and fatty dairy products. Reduce the use of oils in food, even if the plant. Stop smoking and reduce coffee and a lot of water and natural juice free from additions reduce the weight and exercise and stay away from stress. Cholesterol should be checked every six months for people with high cholesterol.

Maintaining optimal body condition does not contribute to prolong the life of man and to ensure wellness, but also helps in the sense of youth and vitality and clarity of thinking, too.

The skin is the largest members of the body and are exposed to many toxins every day.

It can be carried out these toxins into the body through the skin and the food they eat and the fluids that humans drink and the air we breathe.

And sweating therapy is one of the most effective ways to rid the body of toxins. The sweat glands in the body play a large drainage canal to get rid of toxins.

The treatment should be applied sweating properly, of course, to avoid an imbalance in the fluid balance in the body. It is necessary to compensate for the lost body fluids.

The toxins are stored in fatty tissue, and this is another reason for the important role played by fiber in the expulsion of toxins from the body. Keep the toxins in the body allows it to attack, weaken after the body's natural defenses and its ability to protect it.

Begins with sugars and yeasts multiply in a manner allowing incontinent of undigested food and other contaminants to enter the blood circulation and makes dangerous chemicals.

And help eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to expel toxins from the body and attempts to reduce weight.

It is known that a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs do not contain steroids and other drugs that are given prescription from the doctor are the source of inflammation of the intestinal wall leading to the worsening condition of the patient and release toxic chemicals in the body.

So try eating herbs whenever possible, such as ginger and turmeric plant.

, These herbs do not cause allergy in the body and without prejudice Bhetwasenh natural.

Ginger also helps to defuse free radicals in the body, a powerful anti-oxidants as well.

It can be a source of stress significant damage to health. Need to learn how to deal with in a manner most effective stress and add relaxation to the pattern of our lives and take appropriate premium comfort and spiritual practice of meditation and healthy fun activities and prayer. The laughter is a good way for the other to alleviate stress.

When the liver becomes overworked and slow Manguena. And advised to use milk thistle plant, which helps to regenerate the liver. Valqaibd sound a positive impact on every aspect of the work of the body.

It is necessary to care for circulation because of their importance for each tissue, cells and skin. It can improve blood circulation treatment of water and eating adequate amount of fluids and physical exercise.

We must avoid drugs that cause allergic reactions. Some have different sensitivities and therefore, inappropriate foods can cause unrest and inter Ail.

We all need vitamins, it plays an important role in the representation of food
The elements can turn it into a body to absorb and benefit

Vitamins Organic compounds essential for normal growth and continuation of life in humans and animals

Vitamins do not provide the body with energy as to interfere in building the body's energy, but it is necessary to convert the energy and regulates the metabolism of food and take vitamins rights of plants and animals in natural food.

1 - If you suffer from:

 Recurrent infections, especially in the upper respiratory system.

 Sores in the mouth -  Night blindness -  Dry and peeling skin.

There you have it a lack of vitamin ((A)) is:

 Cod liver oil - cheese - milk - cream.

 Green plants and colorful such as spinach - islands - lettuce - cabbage - tomatoes - beans - Peach - Asiralbertqal.

2 - If you suffer from:

 Continuous stress.

Inability to concentrate -  Chapped lips -  Sensitivity of light -  Continuing concern -  Insomnia.

There you have it a lack of vitamin ((B)) is:

Yeast - liver - meat - Cefarawhit vegetables - fruit - Peanuts - Spinach - Cabbage - Carrots .

3 - If you suffer from:

 Recurrent cold injury -  Bleeding gums  Non-healing wounds easily.

There you have it a lack of vitamin ((c)) which is:

Liver - spleen, and citrus fruits in abundance and (lemon juice - Albertql - tangerine) and strawberry - Guava - radish - Apples - Cabbage - parsley - tomato.

4 - If you suffer from:

 Joint pain, back pain -  Hair loss.

There you have it a lack of vitamin ((D)) is:

Cod liver oil - and cream - milk - Cefarawhit - In the sun ..

5 - If you suffer from:

Feeling tired when less effort - Slow Altam wounds

There you have it a lack of vitamin ((E)) is:

Kalkhs leafy vegetables, parsley and watercress, spinach and cotton seed oil and soybean oil and corn oil and wheat seedlings it became possible to manufacture.

Most of us have suffered a lot of acne in adolescence in school, university and the interpretation of doctors is always some hormonal changes the body and skin, but you still suffer from this problem even after that skip your age thirty?
If so, has given expert skin care list of 10 actions carried out most of the ladies which is responsible for compromising the health of her skin and Balelthat annoying.

1 - The Use Of Cosmetics Ingredients Harmful To The Skin
Scientifically proven that some of the ingredients that enter in the composition of cosmetics whitening creams and Sun Screen cause inflammation of the skin and infected blisters. So be sure to check all of the components of the product and sponsor it contains any of the following materials:
1 - dyes (Artificial Color): writes the content format FD & C which means that this product is rich in color is natural, which may act on the inflammation of the skin and injury to areas that are coded by the grain, such as the area around the mouth, in the case of red lips and cheeks in the case of Albuleshr.
2 - lanolin Lanolin: is a term for a cheap price and oils used by most manufacturers of low-quality products.
3 - Mineral oil Mineral Oil: this article shall be the thin membrane on the skin leads to suppression of dead cells and bacteria is difficult to get rid of pimples are deployed. In addition to that they may make you a b Almellia Milia is a result of the granules are formed in the pores of the fat closed.
4 - Oil Petroleum.
5 - Article Isopropyl Myristate: This content may make your skin less Tzieta but it works to close the pores and skin irritation.
6 - synthetic fragrances: Artificial Fragrance perfume use directly on the skin redness Ceded hit it.

2 - Excessive Washing Of The Face
Although it is necessary to clean the face well to remove oils and dust accumulated upon which are the main reason behind! I; v pimples but this does not prevent the over-washed using the types of toner, detergent-rich alcohol more harm to your skin.
Hysterical because the washing of the skin may stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil because it means that your skin will feel dry resorting to the secretion of oils for moisturizing, making it more susceptible to infection.
Our advice is that you used a Gsola lightly on your skin so that it is specifically designed for the most vulnerable to skin blisters and longitudinal moisturizer is completely free of oils to keep your skin moist all the time.

3 - Reclining Head On The Surface Of Last
Reclining the head too much on solid objects such as telephone or on the hands when you watch Altillfzion during sleep and makes the skin more sensitive and susceptible to irritation, these objects are contaminated and full of bacteria and when the pressure to force the skin these bacteria on the skin friction and harm her.
The solution is Thanb expose any object directly to the skin for example, you can use the phone instead and put it directly on the ear and wear cotton socks before going to sleep in the hand to ensure the prevention of access Bacterba hand to your face and skin.

4 - Stress
Stress and nervous system affects not only the most body functions, but also works to stimulate the hormones responsible for the pimples. In spite of the difficulty to get rid of tension because the causes are involuntary but you can mitigate its effects on the body and skin through relaxation exercises and walking.

5 - Sleeping Bags And Face Towel
Tstgayn when the head on the pillow move skin oils and sweat them over time and turns race and oils to bacteria and germs transmitted to the skin with repeated sleep, which affects the skin blisters and affects their health and, similarly, do not clean face towel.
So be sure to change the pillow cover three times a week at least and use a clean towel for the face daily to reduce the possibility of the emergence of grain annoying.

6 - Hair Products
There is a strong relationship between the products that we use on the hair and the appearance of blisters on the skin when the hair touches the face, especially during sleep move these ingredients for the skin and Tdharha So gather your hair away pastor on the face as much as possible using hoops and ligaments.

7 - Use Of Tools Makeup Is Not Clean
Certainly no interest in clean makeup brushes of the factors that cause inflammation of the skin. Make sure to wash brushes thoroughly with water and soap from time to time to get rid of existing bacteria and germs and leave it to dry completely before use.

8 - Your Diet
Most doctors warn eat game Kalshakulath and French fries, but it is in fact not these things is the cause only to the problems of the skin but bad diet in general, which depends only on fast food rich in fat and foods unhealthy, which works to increase the proportion of sugar in the blood, which displays infections of the skin.

9 -Lack Of Exercise
Lack of exercise every day and Rotating The practice of athletic exercise will help you get rid of pimples.

10 - Smoking
Although the doctors disagreed about the relationship between smoking, the emergence of pimples, but it has shown results of some scientific research that the incidence of blisters of the symptoms common among smokers, "sample" as it is found that the smoker has the skin susceptible to inflammation of four times more than the average person.

There are many ways that help in weight loss, you have chosen the best in this subject, which we explained the many benefits that are characterized by certain foods in terms of fat burning and stimulate metabolism.

1 - Tracking is not a diet!
Here we do not seek to deprive you of food .. On the contrary, we advise you to eat more foods (of course we mean nutrient-rich foods) to get rid of useless calories and feel full throughout the day. This is very important because the restrictions on food intake may cause an agent to disrupt metabolism. Where the stomach send a signal saying "I'm starving," and answer the body as a result of the slow metabolic rate and benefit only from the reservoir of energy he has.
Worse, in the case of continued lack of food, the body will begin to burn muscle tissue, which would lead to increased visceral fat. This leads to slow metabolism and fat then able to impose its control over more areas in the body.

2 - Go to bed early
Researchers from Finland, a study of twins and found that identical twins who did not obtain sufficient amount of sleep and subjected to more tension has increased the amount of visceral fat.

3 -Eat more protein
Your body needs protein for muscles soft. In an article published by the American Journal of healthy eating, the researchers said the current amount of protein is recommended, which does not exceed 0.36 grams per kg of body weight is not commensurate with the people who devoted themselves to the practice of resistance exercises. The researchers advised women to obtain 0.54 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. The researchers discovered that the protein increases the process of burning calories after

4 - meals by 35 percent.
Eat vegetables and fruits, organic whenever available
Canadian researchers said that the followers of the diet who ate foods containing Alklorenat organic (contaminants found in pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) are exposed to a decrease in metabolism due to a conflict of these toxic substances with the process of burning energy.

5 - Drink ice water
Researchers discovered that the Germans drink 6 cups of cold water daily activates slow metabolism by 50 calories a day - an amount sufficient to reduce the three kg per year without making any effort. The increase of the effort his body to heat the water until it commensurate with the degree of body heat.

- Eat chili
The researchers said material Kabcisan (Capsaicin) pepper taste that gives customer help to speed up the metabolism. Eating a teaspoon of ground pepper, either red or green strengthens the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the hit-or-run responses), according to a study published in Journal of Food Sciences. The result of this article dealt with a temporary rise in the speed of your metabolism by 23 percent. You can add chili pepper to the sauce and Keep a bottle always filled with crushed red pepper to put on pizza or pasta.

7 - Drink tea or coffee
Caffeine is a central catalyst for the nervous system and when you eat several cups of it daily, you're speeding up the metabolism by 5 to 8 percent, or burning of 98 to 174 calories a day. The boiling cup of tea, which contains a substance Alkatcenz anti-oxidant, it speeds up the metabolism by 12 percent, according to a Japanese study.

8 - Harba fat fiber
Research has shown that some fibers accelerate the process of burning fat by 30 percent. The study revealed that people who eat fiber in adequate quantities in their diet were able to maintain their weight without increasing the recall. So make sure to eat 25 grams a day especially those found in fruits and vegetables.

9 - Eat foods rich in iron
Iron is necessary for the transfer of oxygen that you need muscle to burn fat. And not providing the body with iron shows a decrease in the body for energy and slow metabolism. There are iron density in oysters, meat, legumes, fresh spinach and fortified cereals.
Get large amounts of vitamin "D"
Vitamin D of the elements necessary to maintain muscle tissue. There is this vitamin in abundance in salmon, tuna, fortified milk, cereals and eggs.

10 - Drink milk
Studies have shown that calcium deficiency (especially in women) leads to a slow metabolism. These studies showed that calcium intake through dairy products like skim milk and low-fat yogurt may also help reduce the absorption of fat in other foods.