Using your thoughts to better your reality
There's something to be said for focusing on the positive. Actually, metaphysicians and personal life coaches will tell you that focusing on the positive is everything. They'll tell you that and they'll tell you that your subconscious mind drives the reality around you. So if you're subconsciously, or consciously, focused on the negative, your subconscious mind will steer you right there.

When you start to see how this may be taking place in your life, it almost begs you to start watching your thoughts, even down to everyday little jokes.After all,why would we want to create the negative because we're merelythinking or talking it into being? Doesn't it make more sense to make some mental shifts and talk and think the positive into being? Personal coaches will tell you that the latter, plus the action to get there, will often get you to where you want to be.
Focusing on what you want, not what you don't
In some cases, it's the difference between focusing on what you do want and taking the action to get there, instead of focusing on what you don't want. Sometimes it takes some word twisting toget your thoughts into the right place once you become aware of your patterns of thought and realizethat they focus moreon the negative. But, hey, if we're not here on earth to learn and grow, what in the world are we here for?
In other cases, it seems hard to focus on the positive because we already see the negative manifestations in our lives. In these cases, it's best to use thoughts and words like, "I am manifesting abundance." Or, "I am intending vibrant health." Or on a global scale, "I am manifesting a peaceful world." Just insert whatever positive outcome you desire to come into being.
And while it's not a good idea to pretend that the bad isn't happening, it is a good idea to find the solutions to what you can do about a bad situation. Or just acknowledge that the bad is there and still focus on the positive.
When you understand that all we're seeing around us is a reflection of worldwide consciousness and what we've created and have allowed to be done to us, we start to see that elevating human consciousness is really our solution out of this mess. Because when millions of people around the world are radiating love energy at core level, we simply won't see all of the problems that we currently do. Most people currently radiate some level of fear.
Quite simply, when we are radiating love, we'll be manifesting a better reality just by being higher vibrational beings with higher vibrational thoughts and actions. Higher consciousness beings also wouldn't poison the society or the earth, as it's just contradictory in nature.