
20 Muscle Building Tips.

1 - Compound exercises are your best tools for growth. Use them.

2 -  Eat your biggest meal of the day about 30 to 60 minutes after you lift weights.

3 - Get strong! There are no weak bodybuilders. You don't have to become a powerlifter, but you do need to dramatically improve your strength over what it is now.

4 -  Squats are king of the muscle builders, and they are not bad for your knees unless your form is horrible and/or you are half-squatting.

5 -  Deadlift. If squats are king, deadlifts are second in command. They are not bad for your back unless your form is horrible.

6 -  Learn proper form. Read every article, and watch every video you can on proper exercise form. There is no excuse for having sub-par squat and deadlift form.

7 -  Balance your upper body work. This means equal effort for chest, back and shoulders. Stop doing 7 exercises for chest and only lat pull downs for back. Balance will keep you healthy, strong and help to stave off shoulder issues.

8 - Beginners...stop training like advanced lifters, using advanced splits and training techniques. They are not needed. What you need is to get strong on the basic compound lifts more than anything.

9 - Beginners...stop adding training volume. Having 3 bicep days per week isn't going to help. You need to get strong right now, not fatigue yourself with endless sets.

10 - Stop believing that muscle building is rocket surgery. It isn't. Get stronger, eat enough food and stay persistence.

11 -  Stop missing workouts.

12 -  Stop complaining about muscle soreness. It's part of the game. Don't miss workouts because of it. No excuses - get to the gym.

13 - Stop complaining about every ache, pain or strain. Lifting weights is hard, and a man's game. You're going to feel off occasionally. No excuses - get to the gym.

14 -  Proper muscle building nutrition is much more than broccoli, rice and chicken breasts. Eat a variety of whole foods each week.

15  Eat more red meat.

16 - Eat more eggs, including the yolks. Egg yolks are nutritionally dense.

17 -  Drink plenty of water. Then drink more.

18 - Sleep at least 8 hours a night and take naps when possible.

19 - Learn to cook. Muscle building nutrition doesn't have to be bland.

20 - Having trouble reaching your calorie goals? Add butter or olive oil to your veggies.