
There are many ways that help in weight loss, you have chosen the best in this subject, which we explained the many benefits that are characterized by certain foods in terms of fat burning and stimulate metabolism.

1 - Tracking is not a diet!
Here we do not seek to deprive you of food .. On the contrary, we advise you to eat more foods (of course we mean nutrient-rich foods) to get rid of useless calories and feel full throughout the day. This is very important because the restrictions on food intake may cause an agent to disrupt metabolism. Where the stomach send a signal saying "I'm starving," and answer the body as a result of the slow metabolic rate and benefit only from the reservoir of energy he has.
Worse, in the case of continued lack of food, the body will begin to burn muscle tissue, which would lead to increased visceral fat. This leads to slow metabolism and fat then able to impose its control over more areas in the body.

2 - Go to bed early
Researchers from Finland, a study of twins and found that identical twins who did not obtain sufficient amount of sleep and subjected to more tension has increased the amount of visceral fat.

3 -Eat more protein
Your body needs protein for muscles soft. In an article published by the American Journal of healthy eating, the researchers said the current amount of protein is recommended, which does not exceed 0.36 grams per kg of body weight is not commensurate with the people who devoted themselves to the practice of resistance exercises. The researchers advised women to obtain 0.54 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. The researchers discovered that the protein increases the process of burning calories after

4 - meals by 35 percent.
Eat vegetables and fruits, organic whenever available
Canadian researchers said that the followers of the diet who ate foods containing Alklorenat organic (contaminants found in pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) are exposed to a decrease in metabolism due to a conflict of these toxic substances with the process of burning energy.

5 - Drink ice water
Researchers discovered that the Germans drink 6 cups of cold water daily activates slow metabolism by 50 calories a day - an amount sufficient to reduce the three kg per year without making any effort. The increase of the effort his body to heat the water until it commensurate with the degree of body heat.

- Eat chili
The researchers said material Kabcisan (Capsaicin) pepper taste that gives customer help to speed up the metabolism. Eating a teaspoon of ground pepper, either red or green strengthens the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the hit-or-run responses), according to a study published in Journal of Food Sciences. The result of this article dealt with a temporary rise in the speed of your metabolism by 23 percent. You can add chili pepper to the sauce and Keep a bottle always filled with crushed red pepper to put on pizza or pasta.

7 - Drink tea or coffee
Caffeine is a central catalyst for the nervous system and when you eat several cups of it daily, you're speeding up the metabolism by 5 to 8 percent, or burning of 98 to 174 calories a day. The boiling cup of tea, which contains a substance Alkatcenz anti-oxidant, it speeds up the metabolism by 12 percent, according to a Japanese study.

8 - Harba fat fiber
Research has shown that some fibers accelerate the process of burning fat by 30 percent. The study revealed that people who eat fiber in adequate quantities in their diet were able to maintain their weight without increasing the recall. So make sure to eat 25 grams a day especially those found in fruits and vegetables.

9 - Eat foods rich in iron
Iron is necessary for the transfer of oxygen that you need muscle to burn fat. And not providing the body with iron shows a decrease in the body for energy and slow metabolism. There are iron density in oysters, meat, legumes, fresh spinach and fortified cereals.
Get large amounts of vitamin "D"
Vitamin D of the elements necessary to maintain muscle tissue. There is this vitamin in abundance in salmon, tuna, fortified milk, cereals and eggs.

10 - Drink milk
Studies have shown that calcium deficiency (especially in women) leads to a slow metabolism. These studies showed that calcium intake through dairy products like skim milk and low-fat yogurt may also help reduce the absorption of fat in other foods.