Mistakes gym exercises.
Aspiring trainee gym always to the body of a strong guarantee him good health and attractiveness of distinct, but in some cases committed trainee some mistakes unintended, which slows the growth of his muscles, and if were not getting a satisfactory outcome from behind the exercise, in case you committed one of such errors or more.
1 - do not strain the muscle

2 - smoking and drinking alcohol
Everyone knows that smoking is very harmful to health and cause cancer, but for a trainee gym must have known that smoking enters the body carbon material, which prevents your muscle that you take the adequacy of oxygen, which reduces the efficiency and growth, and the alcohol they hinder the hormones that help to build your muscles.
3 - Eating well
You should eat after the end of exercise, because your muscles will need food to glucose of a substance to grow consistently, in the absence of eating less growth opportunities muscles.
4 - No watches
If the trainee did not take a great deal of sleep will lead to a lack of efficiency during exercise, even if the trainee did not feel so. This lack of muscle growth will weaken because the exercises do not result in the desired purpose.
5 - Do not drink too much sugar
A lot of sugary drinks Kalsoda appetite is not good for the trainee, for this, drink water and sports drinks with a low percentage of sugar.
6 - Drink lots of water
Trainee gym a lot of foods that contain lots of protein, when entering the protein to the body show that nitrogen compounds can remove the body to convert food into this "Gelokos" to feed the muscle. This removal process you need to drink plenty of water.
7 - Do not prefer to exercise at the expense of other
Some trainers believe that there are no exercises are useful for something specific exercises they start believing they are bound to grow your own muscles, the neglect of some of the exercises lead to an imbalance in body chemistry, which also reduces the efficiency of muscle growth.